Monday 2 November 2009

Task 1

What Skills do I have?
In the creative field, I would say that I'm confident with coming up with strong concepts which then lead the design outcome of the work. I am confident in illustration, especially characters, logos and patterns and work most effectively with ranges of paints, brushes and pens. My work comes across most effectively in print and I hope that I am skilled in this field. I love to book bind and make one offs with an appreciation for paper stocks. My illustrator skills are rapidly progressing and catching up with my other skills outlined above, and I now regularly use the computer as an enhancing tool for my work.

Other skills which I regularly integrate in my creative processes would be mind mapping utilising a right and left brain approach (a method of creative thinking I learnt outside of the college.) which usually does bring innovative and inventive ideas to the surface of my thought patterns. I am friendly and Like to be clear in what I am creating, and I do normally have to be fascinated in what I am doing to really benefit from it with a design outcome.

Who needs these skills?

Taking into account my concept management, I think I would suit a design agency/group who are known for solving briefs inventively and think laterally and often have off the wall ideas. Adversly, My illustration skills and knowledge of print could lend itsself to either freelance work (creating a brand/identity) or a company which already has an identity and sells this identity possibly in the form of clothing, books, vinyl and prints. I think poosibly design geared towards promotion would suit these methods, wether that be self promotion or otherwise, I am unsure...

My Aims

Currently my aims out of University is just to make friends in high(ish) places e.g doing design for management at sainsbury's. This happens not very often and isnt well paid, but I scratch theyre back, and possibly in the future, they scratch mine. I'm also putting illustrations into tattoo studios and doing experimental collaborative work with a printed textiles student to set the groundwork for a personal design identity.

I know freelance work would be really hard, although I also think selling the right wares off the right platforms can successfully initiate freelance work. I am attracted to the idea of freelance work because i like freedom of expression and work strongest under these conditions. The only downside to this, is I am not very organised and this lends me more towards a company where I could have my finances dealt with. Being 19 this is hard to think about as it no doubt will effect the rest of my life.

As an overview, my aim at the moment is to build up my contacts, network and keep improving on and producing work for my personal portfolio and give myself the foundations I need in order to progress as a Designer and "find myself more."

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